The university has 1,200 users, 3,500 keys and 17 Traka units across its campuses. Find out how Traka helps emergency services and staff access buidings quickly and maintain safety across such a large facility.
With 300 vehicles, 1500 acres of resorts, 900 employees, 2400 guest units as well golf courses and retail areas key control is crucial. Discover how Traka makes a difference.
Staff and contractors need to access properties, to read meters and do maintenance across a 2,600 mile service territory. A paper-based system didn't track usage properly, so find out why Traka was a "no-brainer" solution.
An internal study at Jardine Motors showed the productivity impact of losing keys and cars was £50,000 a year. Find out how Traka's "Top of the notch" solution improves productivity and the customer experience for 650 vehicles across 52 UK sites.
With police officers on the campus and a supervisor needing to be on hand each time a firearm was signed out, RIT needed a more efficient and safe way to track firearms usage of officers. Find out how Traka equipment lockers helped.
There are 600 facilities, 3,000 buildings and 12,000 maintenance areas being managed by the company. Find out how they reduced costs by 5 million Swedish Kroner and saved 10 tons of CO2 a year with Traka solutions.
In an industry where so many accidents happen in the on and offloading of vehicles, find out how Traka helps Tesco reduce accidents in the vehicle loading and offloading process, by integrating the control of keys into existing door systems and business processes.
If you have any questions regarding Traka solutions and implementation, please contact us. We'd be happy to share our experiences of similar projects.