Sales Engineer
工作职责 Responsibilities:
- 负责相关区域,完成公司下达的预算指标;
Responsible for relevant area and complete the budget indicators issued by the company
- 开发潜在的新客户、扩大公司在市场中占有率,维护、稳定老客户市场;
Develop potential new customers and expand the company's share in the market. Maintain and stabilize old customers
- 制定市场开发的近期、长远计划;
Develop short-term, long-term plan for market development
- 安排客户拜访计划;
Client visit arrangement
- 完成生产任务单、报价、投标、合同、客户信息申报、非标申请等日常文件;
Complete the production orders, quotes, bidding, contracts, customer information declaration, non-standard applications and other daily documents
- 协助公司相关部门清缴欠款;
Assist relevant departments to clear the arrears
- 筹备、组织本地区与市场开发、产品宣传有关的产品展览会、研讨会;
Preparation, organization of the region and market development, product promotion related products exhibition, seminar
- 协助安装技术部门勘查现场条件、处理现场问题;
Assist in the installation of technical departments to investigate the site conditions, dealing
with on-site issues
- 协助服务部门开发维修服务业务;
Assist the service department with the development of maintenance services
- 每周上报客户拜访报告和项目推进报告;
Weekly reporting of customer visits and project advancement reports
- 每月整理库存报价,向销售助理上报库存报价分析报告;
Monthly inventory, and provide inventory analysis report to the sales assistant
- 做定期的销售订单预测提供给区域销售经理;
Provide regular sales order forecasts to regional sales managers
- 巩固客户关系,定期拜访客户
Consolidate customer relationships and make regular visits to customers
- 其他上级经理安排的任务。
Other tasks assigned by line manager.
任职要求 Requirements:
- 大专或本科学历,机械工程专业或建筑专业背景
College or bachelor degree, mechanical engineering or architectural background
- 有丰富的建筑设计院、工程管理公司、建筑施工总包企业(一级资质以上)的客户网络资源
With architectural design institute, project management company, building construction general package enterprise (above First level qualification) customer network resources
- 有建材、工业品(挖掘机、发电机、叉车、钢结构等)销售经验为首选
With building materials, industrial products (excavators, generators, forklifts, steel, etc.) sales experience preferred
- 熟练使用Microsoft office软件
Proficient in Microsoft office software
- 具有团队合作精神,善于沟通
With team spirit, good communication
全球出入口安防管理解决方案领先企业的这一地位由我们的员工打造。作为回报所以,我们也为他们敞开机遇之门。我们拥有近61000名员工,分布于70多个国家和地区,我们帮助数以亿计的人们体验更加开放的世界。无论在现实还是虚拟世界,我们的创新成果都让各类空间变得更加安全和开放 容易适用。