Traka Postbox Integration

The Traka Postbox integration provides an integrated option for customers whose access control system has not yet been integrated to be Traka or where larger volumes of cardholders need to be created quickly to reduce administration time.

The Traka Postbox integration allows you to import comma seperated files of user records that have been extracted from your access control system into the Traka database.


  • Import Cardholders
  • Scheduled Daily Import
  • Real-time Import

Companies can now import cardholders from their access control or other cardholder management systems into the Traka database using the Traka Postbox integration.


  • CSV Import to create users in the Traka database
  • Removes the need to manually create, update and delete user changes in the Traka database
  • Provides 11 mapping values for customer data to be imported into the Traka database
  • Supports mapping of .csv columns to TrakaWEB Item Access Groups / Traka32 Security Groups
  • Orphan checking capabilities to remove users from Traka when no longer required