
Open Options DNA Fusion

Now your Open Options DNA Fusion system can manage access to your business keys, physical assets, and removable items such as laptop computers, radios, PDA’s, test equipment and much more! 

The products are extremely robust operating 24/7 with the largest range of options and features available anywhere. With our latest integration to DNA fusion, administrators can now enroll DNA fusion personnel data into the Traka database, grant access levels to our key cabinets/intelligent lockers, and receive Traka events and alarms back into DNA fusion for seamless day to day operation of our key and device management solutions.

Traka LenelS2 OnGuard IntegrationTraka LenelS2 OnGuard Integration


  • Import Cardholders
  • Import Visitors
  • Group Import Selection
  • Credential Import Selection
  • Map Cardholder fields
  • Dynamic field support
  • Scheduled Daily Import
  • Real-time Import
  • Real-time Access Control Integration
  • Traka Event Integration 


  • Seamless integration allowing Traka system administration from familiar DNA fusion environment 
  • Significant reduction in administration overhead and consistent data between Traka and DNA fusion
  • Personnel, credential and access level updates to the Traka system in real-time • Traka events and alarms exposed to DNA fusion
  •  Control of personnel facility and area access based on Traka key or asset status – e.g. personnel cannot leave site unless keys are returned to Traka
  • Single credential used for both door access and keys or assets secured in Traka

How it works

Provide full visibility and control over keys, devices and vehicles through a Traka integration with your DNA Fusion system.

  • Personnel and Credential Integration

    DNA fusion personnel can be dynamically added and updated to the Traka database including personnel data, credential ID, credential status and access level assignments

  • Access Level Integration

    DNA fusion Access Levels can link to Traka Item Access Groups. When a person is assigned a Traka ‘linked’ access level, they will have access to the key sets and devices defined in the Traka Item Access Group template. 

  • Event and Alarm Integration

    Traka events and alarms can be sent to the DNA fusion alarm monitoring interface. Examples include key removed, key returned, key overdue, door left open and much more.

  • Grant and Revoke Cardholder Access based on Traka Key/Item Status

    Revoke personnel exiting from a facility or area if a sensitive key set or device has not been returned to the Traka system. Or, ensure a key set/device has been taken before access to a particular facility or area is granted to meet operational procedures.