Gallagher Command Centre


Now your Gallagher Command Centre system can manage access to your business keys, physical assets, and removable items such as laptop computers, radios, PDA’s, test equipment and more.

With our integration to Command Centre, administrators can now enrol Command Centre users into the Traka database, grant access levels to key cabinets and intelligent lockers, and receive Traka events and alarms back into Command Centre for seamless day to day operation of our asset management solutions.

Organisations can now extend their access control functionality by directly tying card holder identities to any number of physical assets, like keys, devices and vehicles. When doing so, Command Centre extends the reach of your access control, and card holders now become fully accountable for items they have checked out. This results in less loss, damage and time spent managing those lost assets.

Traka adds asset control to your existing access control system, to drive critical processes and make your keys and equipment work for your business like never before.

Traka LenelS2 OnGuard IntegrationTraka LenelS2 OnGuard Integration


  •  Import cardholders
  • Individual import selection
  • Group import selection
  • Credential import selection
  • Real-time import of cardholders
  • Real-time access control integration
  • Traka event integration
  • Card type prioritisation


  • Single credential used for both door access and assets secured by Traka
  • Seamless integration allows Traka system administration from familiar Command Centre environment
  • Significant reduction in administration overhead
  • Define Traka user permission based on Command Centre access rules
  • Create, update and deactivate cardholders from Command Centre to Traka
  • Access management of cardholders from Command Centre to Traka through Gallagher Access Groups
  • Traka’s alarm and event messages are forwarded to Command Centre. This allows monitoring directly from Command Centre