For everyday management of your Traka system, our integration with ASSA CLIQ Web Manager allows CLIQ administrators the ability to seamlessly add employees and manage them and their Traka access levels within CLIQ’s administrative screens.

Keys defined in CLIQ can also be imported directly into Traka Web along with defining hand in / hand out rules allowing for both automatic and manual handling processes. 

For enterprise-level organizations, the CLIQ Web Manager integration gives you the regionalization necessary for effective and efficient management, without adding any burden to your global, top-level security administration. Traka puts you in total 

Traka LenelS2 OnGuard IntegrationTraka LenelS2 OnGuard Integration


  • Import Employees / Cardholders
  • Import keys / Items
  • Supports both manual and automatic key hand out / hand in processes
  • Group Import Selection
  • Map Cardholder Fields
  • Scheduled Daily import
  • Real-time updates / incremental imports
  • Orphan users/access rights


  • Seamless integration allowing employees and their access rights to be imported directly from CLIQ Web Manager
  • Employee selection for import can be filtered by Group
  •  Key and item identities can be imported directly from CLIQ Web Manager into TrakaWEB
  • Configuration for key hand out / hand in process for both automatic and manual key handling
  • Significant reduction in the administration overhead and the benefits of consistent data between CLIQ Web Manager and TrakaWEB