The hospital only had two sets of keys, which contained all the keys for the entire surgical ward, meaning it was very difficult to locate the right set of keys amongst the ward staff. The hospital conducted an audit on patient administration of medication, and the amount of time staff spent searching for keys was resulting in delays to patient care. The hospital considered having additional keys made, but this presented a significant risk to non-authorized access to specialty treatment rooms and medicine cupboards, as well as a cost increase.
Traka21’s innovative plug and play system provides the practice with the very latest in intelligent key management. Simple, efficient and cost-effective, Traka21 helps trace and account for every key or key set, which are individually locked in place, ensuring that critical business operations are never jeopardized. Traka21 was installed to manage keys to rooms and cupboards on the surgical ward, allowing staff to access the relevant keys at all times. Student nurses were also given access to certain keys, but could not access restricted areas and medicines.
We can monitor who has the keys, who has taken keys and what time they took them out. It has all been very positive. Everyone has really liked it, even people who have come onto the ward from different departments have agreed it is a much more efficient way to work.
Kelsey McDonald, Senior Staff Nurse RACH
As a senior charge nurse responsible for the security of the staff and the patients, I’m reassured that there is a robust system so I can check the keys, and I would know if there are any errors or incidents I can see who has had access to the keys.
Lesley Lumsden, Senior Charge Nurse, RACH