A method for storing keys
Managing physical keys effectively depends on having the right controls.
Intelligent key cabinets are electronic key cabinets that can be integrated and scaled across sites easily and can be managed through a common control system.
Many organizations already have some form of digital access control such as proximity cards and readers or log-in credentials to access IT systems. With integrated electronic key management you can wrap the same access controls around physical keys and equipment.
Better still, electronic key management software combined with traka integrations work with existing access control and hr systems to provide granular controls as to who can borrow a key and when. You can restrict access and return times to support shift patterns or require additional authorization for specialist equipment or controlled items. This means that your key cabinet doesn’t just help you manage keys but can also help you enforce safe working practices and support compliance.
These in-built controls are just a starting point. With rich integrations, TrakaWEB key control software can send notifications to networked control systems to support more sophisticated compliance models. Our installation teams are experienced in supporting a range of workflows and logical rule sets where this sort of regulation is required. For example, our key cabinets support Lock-out, Tag-out, and Try-out isolation procedures for handling hazardous situations in the mining industry.
Integrations can be a powerful way of streamlining user management and reporting. You will want to consider what integrations you may need. Our systems can operate in isolation and then be integrated with new access management and control systems.
Building access control systems has been mentioned previously as a possible integration., but organizations often have other security, process and human resources systems that might effectively interface with a key cabinet to provide streamlined management and workflow controls.
In very simple terms a key management solution is comprised of four components:
A method for storing keys
to secure the keys and stop people from simply taking them
a way of sharing keys with the people who need them
a log of all keys borrowed and returned
When a business is small, this may be relatively easy to do by entrusting the keys to one person. In time this approach can become a bottleneck and worse, a security and safety vulnerability as the business scales. Moreover, one person has the responsibility (and inevitable headache) of having to account for keys if someone has borrowed them. It isn’t an efficient or scaleable process, adds complexity and a manual overhead.
With no record-keeping how do you know who last had the key? Without access to those keys and equipment is a vulnerability that at the very least can cause inefficiency but also has the potential to compromise site security. In addition, sharing the keys might require labeling, making it easy for someone unfamiliar with your business to identify what the key is for if it falls into the wrong hands.
Electronic key management is a solution that provides timely and controlled access to tools and equipment. Modern workplace management relies on good processes. Process improvement focuses on how to remove blocks and barriers to productivity. By choosing the right electronic solution you can secure and manage keys and automatically log and audit usage and support other workflows such as those needed for compliance or safety.