Did you know that within a year stock losses can cost retailers up to £995m?
Retailers face costly challenges when it comes to retail security. Not only does this hinder business productivity, but also interrupts business workflow when dealing with customers and suppliers.
Retail security threats and issues can vary from:
As the use of technology increases within the retail industry, there is a good chance for retailers to prevent security threats and issues. Using viable solutions from Traka your retailer can better secure, manage and audit shared assets, differentiating from the traditional methods of security such as CCTV.
Traka supports retailers to save time and money by providing intelligent management solutions to help overcome security challenges which help prevent profit loss and to protect the business bottom line.
Providing a range of automated key and equipment management solutions, Traka systems ensure critical assets within stores are safely secured and only retained through authorized access. This helps retailers worry less about keys or devices getting into the wrong hands or being misplaced. It gets better!
A complete audit trail records every single transaction which increases accountabilities for all users, providing around clock visibility over inventory. Our integration capabilities ensure sensitive keys and equipment stay on site, preventing staff member leaving the building unless items are returned.
This gives your retailer total control over assets across every retail location!
How can your retailer maximize security using Traka’s fully integrated solution?
To maximize retail security, Traka integrations simplify administration processes and makes your assets work for you like never before. It’s simple, logical and effective.
Using your existing data and credentials, retailers can strengthen security levels to drive efficient centralized control based on Traka’s capabilities to integrate with third-party systems.
Your retailer can benefit from:
Begin change and empower your retail store today to better secure and control who has access to your protected assets and when.
Learn more about Traka integrations: www.traka.com/integrations