Keys are one of your organization’s most valuable assets and should be protected accordingly.
In addition to controlling access to buildings and equipment, effective key management can help manage people, processes and safety.
We will explore everything key management related, from understanding the basics to implementing your own fully integrated solution in this new blog series.
What is key management?
Key management is the process of putting rules in place to keep track of an organization’s physical keys. It allows you to ensure that only authorized users access your keys.
Many businesses address the issue by relying on time-consuming manual processes such as having a logbook with one staff member controlling a key box or locked desk drawer. This may seem a simple place to start your key management journey, but it soon becomes complicated.
The problem with these traditional methods is that they are inefficient and unreliable, which makes tracing keys an almost impossible task.
A better way to organize and manage keys is by using an electronic key cabinet.
An electronic key management system simplifies the process by automatically checking access permissions and creating an audit trail every time a key is removed or returned, providing complete control and oversight of key usage.
Why is key management important?
Not having the right key at the right time is not only frustrating but could potentially stop your business in its tracks.
Keys grant access to sensitive locations and equipment within your organization. Without key management, these same keys become a security vulnerability. When you have full access control over your keys, you keep your assets secure.
Not only is poor key management a security risk, but it can cause serious disruptions in productivity. Every minute an employee spends looking for a key is a minute that is not being spent doing their job. By introducing an electronic key management system, your employee knows where to find the key they need.
Ultimately, ineffective key management can cost your business financially. If a key was lost, the organization would incur a direct cost to either replace the key or, even worse, change the locks. A company approached us to put in a key management system after they spent over £50,000 rekeying their facility after an employee lost a key.
Who needs key management?
Key management doesn’t just benefit one single department or sector. Over the years, Traka has worked with a wide range of organizations from around the world. Through that experience, we know that there is one core requirement common to all.
Whether running a hotel, tech giant, hospital or retail operation, the priority is to secure, manage and audit the organization’s keys easily and effectively.
If you’re still not sure if your organization needs key management, ask yourself one simple question:
What would happen if an employee lost a key?
If the answer is that you don’t know, then it is a good idea to start thinking about implementing a key management process for your organization.
Not sure how to get started? Traka is here to help. Contact us today to discuss your requirements or get a demo of our electronic key cabinet range.