BLOGRetail security

The importance of device management lockers in modern retail security

Wondering what the importance of device management lockers are in modern retail security? Our latest guide is here to help.

Many modern retail businesses would be lost without mobile devices.

They may have thousands of scanners across the company to help check stock and prices, as well as items like label makers and laptops to help customers find the latest deals, all of which can be costly to replace if lost or stolen.

Like all advanced technology, they bring a wealth of benefits, but also many challenges, like how best to store, control and monitor access to them, while ensuring they are fully charged when required by employees. 

They are also highly attractive to criminals, meaning security needs to always be at the forefront of your thoughts.  

Device management lockers are the answer to all of the above problems. But what are they? Simply put, they are a means to secure, manage and audit every device in your business. 

Smart lockers can automate daily operations for workers, while providing quick access to the devices they need. These superb tools also offer up total accountability, and give you the power, at a click of a button, to decide who can access each device and when.

5 reasons why device management lockers are a critical retail security asset

1.    Continuous control over access
Retail device management should always include lockers. They empower managers 24/7 to decide which employees can access each device and when, ensuring only those with the relevant training to use them can do so.
The lockers notify you when a curfew on a device has been missed, encouraging employees to return it promptly at the end of a shift, helping to reduce the likelihood of theft, loss or damage.

2.    Maintain accountability
Device lockers can keep detailed reports of every transaction. This means whenever someone uses or moves your devices, you will know about it.

There is nothing like having the spotlight on you at all times to keep you on your best behavior. Employees are more likely to behave responsibly with company assets when they know every transaction is monitored and recorded.

3.    Flexible authentication
With many sales to process and different items to label up, retail staff may deal with several different devices a day.

To offer fast customer service in order to keep up with demand, they need to access devices quickly. Smart lockers allow authorized users speedy access, while making it harder for thieves to break in thanks to PIN and/or biometric fingerprint access.

4.    Make security decisions from your smartphone
Device lockers and smart software should go hand-in-hand when talking about retail security. With modern device management lockers, you can offer access via your mobile or laptop from anywhere in the world. 

A number of systems now also support multiple languages as well; perfect for retail businesses expanding abroad or relying on seasonal workers who can deliver a faster service by reading from the device in their mother tongue.

5.    Integrate within existing systems

The beauty of modern device lockers is that they can easily sit within your existing security system, complementing and even enhancing physical tools like cameras and key cabinets, as well as security guards and IT platforms. This streamlines administration, while simultaneously improving visibility over your devices and process control.

Why keeping security systems updated is crucial for retailers

From laptops, tablets and smartphones, to radios, scanners and label printers, mobile retail devices are an attractive target for criminals – and an expensive piece of kit to replace for business owners. Sensitive customer and employee information could also be stolen at the same time as devices, possibly leading to further vulnerability exploits.

Physical security is not the only challenge now, though. Advancements in technology have opened up a whole new world of crime, with many criminals now adept at launching cyberattacks, leaving your existing security system open to external hackers and insider threats. It is, therefore, vital to regularly reflect on your safety needs, apply updates and invest in controls where required in order to manage risk and stay one step ahead of thieves.

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