Modern-day key cabinets offer more than just muscle – they’re backed up with brainpower, too. That’s exactly what your keys need, being one of your most important assets. Losing them not only creates unnecessary stress but will leave you out of pocket – at best, because of replacement costs; at worst, because of stolen assets.
Traditional key management might look like key hooks and logbooks or a man behind a stand manually handing out keys. The trouble is, there is too much room for human error with these old-age methods, not to mention, too many ways that thieves can grab and go.
Intelligent key cabinets, however, are the ultimate solution to such problems. And they offer so much more on top.
Not only do they keep your keys locked away, but they automatically check access permissions and produce audit trails every time a key is removed or returned. This puts the control back in your hands and gives you a clear picture of how your assets are being used.
Let’s show you exactly how these tools can help improve your workplace security.