Security & safety solutions for the mining industry

Ensure site safety, protect equipment and machinery and demonstrate compliance by controlling and managing your keys, equipment and machinery. 

In mining and industrial settings, it’s important to ensure the appropriate staff have access to keys, machinery and equipment and to ensure the safety of your personnel.  

Example uses

  • mining vehiclesmining vehicles

    Stay compliant by ensuring only authorized and licensed persons are able to access keys to vehicles. 


  • Ensuring authorisation is followed for key processesEnsuring authorisation is followed for key processes

    For secure applications, such as access to substations, explosives and equipment, make sure a second person authorizes access. 

  • Make sure anyone whose license has expired can’t access and drive vehicles such as underground locomotives.

  • Specialist advice

Strict access control and site safety

Ensure that only qualified staff can operate heavy machinery, specialist equipment such as explosives & high voltage electrical equipment and power supply systems.

  • Allow qualified staff only

    Ensure staff only have access to the equipment they are qualified to use. Deny access when licenses expire.

  • Ensure multiple authorizations

    Require one or more additional trusted users, usually a supervisor, to grant a user access to particular equipment. 

  • Enforce curfews

    Set curfews on any keys or equipment to enforce their return by a certain time.

  • Receive alerts

    Have email notifications alert you to specific key/equipment movements, events and overdue curfews. 

  • Automate record keeping

    Automatically record and generate configurable and auditable reports regarding access to keys and equipment across sites and at different shift times. 

  • Log faults & maintain assets

    Allow users to record critical or non-critical faults against items. Manually or automatically request maintenance activities before equipment is recirculated. 

  • Integration with lockout

    Ensure compliance with globally recognized lockout procedures for the maintenance of hazardous energy environments.

  • Ensure compliance

    Ensure safe operation and efficient workflows, to contribute to compliance with regulatory authorities.


Discover how Traka’s solutions enhance security and efficiency in mining operations.

  • Key cabinets play a crucial role in enhancing mining security by providing controlled access to critical areas , sensitive keys and equipment.

    The range of systems enable track key usage, ensuring compliance with safety protocols whilst reducing the risk of accidents and human error.

    By integrating Traka's key management into daily operations, your business can streamline security processes with  real-time monitoring to prevent unauthorized access and improve staff accountability.

    This security framework ensures a culture of safety, minimizing risks associated with equipment handling and creating a more secure environment for all employees.

  • Key cabinets play a crucial role in enhancing mining security by providing controlled access to critical areas , sensitive keys and equipment.

    The range of systems enable track key usage, ensuring compliance with safety protocols whilst reducing the risk of accidents and human error.

    By integrating Traka's key management into daily operations, your business can streamline security processes with  real-time monitoring to prevent unauthorized access and improve staff accountability.

    This security framework ensures a culture of safety, minimizing risks associated with equipment handling and creating a more secure environment for all employees.

Traka ProductsTraka Products

Key cabinets, lockers, software and more

intelligent management solutions for keys and equipment

Do you want to explore how Traka might work for you?

If you have any questions regarding Traka solutions and implementation, please contact us.  We'd be happy to share our experiences of similar projects. 

Training is important for successTraining is important for success